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REMIX project – A cooperation between Italy and Mongolia on biotechnologies

REMIX – Regenerative Medicine Innovation Crossing is the name of the first joint research project implemented by the Department of Engineering of the University of Trento (Italy) and the Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST).

The project, lasting 4 years (2017-2021) is funded by the EU Horizon 2020 and involves other universities in Europe (University of Minho – Portugal) and Asia (Chulalongkorn University – Thailand; Chonbuk National University – South Korea). The objective of the project is to research material of natural origin that can have applications in the field of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (TERM), a discipline which investigates and develops techniques to stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues within the human body.

Traumas and pathologies can lead to the damage of parts of the human body, which may lose functionality, leaving the person disabled or in need for a transplant. TERM studies the combined use of materials, stem cells and bioactive materials to prompt the natural regeneration of the damaged tissue and restoring its full functionality. In the long term, this could lead to the possibility to grow organs in the laboratory, which can be then transplanted into the body. These organs would be created from cells coming from the patient him/herself, thus allowing a complete compatibility and eliminating the risk of rejection.

The complex process of tissue regeneration requires the use of different substances (proteins, polysaccharides…) which can be extracted from naturally-available materials such as silk, wool, shells …. Each of the partner universities of REMIX possesses already a substantial knowledge in these materials; the project will allow them to share it and to expand it through joint laboratory testing and research.

In the case of Mongolia, the main materials investigated are camel wool and other animals’ fibers, from which keratin can be extracted. Several of these materials already have medical applications in traditional Mongolian medicine and the first results of laboratory tests have shown that they indeed possess some healing properties.

In the light of this promising start, the cooperation between the University of Trento and MUST will therefore continue in the next three years of the project through exchanges of researchers and students and through the organization of a TERM Training School in Ulaan Baatar, tentatively scheduled for September 2019.

Further information on the project are available at: